Beginning to learn poker, it was quite amusing...
We couldn't decide on buy-in amounts, where the button started, how much to contribute to the host, etc...
But thankfully we had a few more experienced players who guided the newbies along...
It was also pretty interesting to meet up with different people and go through a poker session together.
I realised one thing a long time ago while playing MJ and visiting casinos. A person who loses money at the table, shows his true character and colours. The same can be said for poker players in general.
Show me someone who can smile even when they lose a big pot. Either he's nuts, or he doesn't care about the money! A gentleman would always stay that way, a true gentleman...
During the first few sessions of poker, I kept losing. I couldn't understand the meaning of hole cards selection, and was always a non-believer whenever people re-raised my raise.
As a result, a lot of weird and wonderful things happened. I either pulled off monster bluffs, hit some super sick runner runners, or I busted out. Guess which one happened the most often?
Yes you're right! I busto-ed! Very frequently in fact...
But the weird thing was, sometimes my luckbox power would show up for the night, and I could end up hitting whatever card I wanted. Even drawing gutshot straights and I would make my straight on the river! That helped to lessen most of my losses, thankfully! And I do believe in beginners' luck! =D
However, there were other more experienced players on the table too, and I would piss one or two of them off with my "lucky" escapes. What puzzled me was why they didn't share and teach him why it was not wise to pull off some of the stunts I tried. Guess they wanted to keep this cash cow around huh?
Anyway we had a regular group which met up almost thrice a week to play, even months after CNY ended...
However, certain behaviours and attitudes from a player caused one player to decide to stop playing. Another player was either overseas or busy, and so the group dwindled.
Finding it hard to get a regular game going, one of my poker kakis found some games on Poker Kaki Forum ( and asked along the more "addicted" players along.
I joined in the fun, just to gain some exposure in playing with other people.
That was the first time I also was dealt 72 and flopped a full house. Only problem was, no one called my raise! LOL!
I continued to donk my money off whilst playing in these home games. Mainly because I didn't learn much, didn't review my hands, was not observing other pleyers during the game, etc. There was so much to learn! But all I wanted was an outlet to enjoy myself after a hard day's work...
Soon after, I was sick and tired of losing. I then decided I was going to do something about it.
I began to watch more poker videos of high stakes cash games, observing how the pros play when they are holding a certain hand, and began to read up on poker more (books and websites). Of course I wasn't as good as them, so I didn't do that well all the time, but I could feel my game improving, making proper decisions. One particular line stood out for me "In poker, you try to win the maximum, and lose the minimum."
It was a major paradigm shift for me. Recognising you would definitely be losing some hands, and trying to minimise your losses in such hands, while when you receive good hands, and try to milk/obtain the best possible returns, that was like a whole new school of thought for me. It comforted me to know that the pros do lose as well, and they merely try to lessen that impact...
My game was getting better... I was trying to figure out the opponent's cards, their habits, the way they bet etc. I needed practice though, as they say practise makes perfect. I was certainly trying my best.
However, try as I might, I found it extremely difficult to sit on a chair and wait for good hands. I would always try out some funny moves and pull off some bluffs as well. It did however cost me my buy-in more than once.
Finally I recognised my "problems", patience, skill and tells.
What did I do to address these problems? Well, I will share more the next update! :)
Stay tuned!
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